At St Peter’s Studio we have put in place an extensive COVID19 safety and infection prevention plan to keep our guests safe whilst also ensuring that you still have a happy and lovely stay with us here at St Peter’s Studio. 

Please ensure you have travel insurance which covers domestic travel and cancellations where you cannot travel due to a confirmed case of COVID-19, or you have been told to isolate. Please inform us as soon as possible that you are no longer able to travel. We will provide evidence of your reservation in support of your claim through your travel insurance for the cost of the stay.

Hygiene and cleanliness is our top priority at St Peter’s Studio. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic we ensure we keep up to date with and follow Government guidance. We have made a few important changes to protect everyone but most importantly, if you should develop any Covid-19 symptoms before, during or after your stay you must notify us by phone (01243 786993 during weekdays and 07786 693348 at any other time) as soon as possible. 

Please stay at home if you develop symptoms or are required to self isolate according to government guidance before your stay and we will try to move your stay to a later date when you are fully recovered. 

What additional measures have we put in place to help keep our guests safe?

We have provided an antibacterial hand cleanser dispenser on each sink at the house for you to use during your stay. Please do not remove these from the house. 

We have moved the check in time to 4pm and check out to 10am and we have increased our cleaning routine to include the following: 

  • Use of Bacterial and virucidal  cleaners that are both sprayed and  then allowed to air dry Every surface and touch point – for example door handles, doors, light switches and remote controls will be thoroughly sanitised   in time for each guest
  • Keys and keypads will be sanitised after each guest.
  • Our housekeepers will wash their hands when they arrive at the property and on leaving and use bacterial gel frequently.
  • Our bed linen, towels and bathrobes are washed professionally at a high temperature.   
  • All cleaning materials are single use for our property, (not used in any other properties) and any reusable cloths / mops etc. are washed at high temperature.
  • Cleaners will open windows to allow ventilation throughout the property

Our Guests, please help us to help you keep safe:

In order to minimise handling of personal items, we ask that you:

  • Bag up any rubbish before vacating, and take all rubbish to the main bins 
  • Strip the bedding  and leave in  one  pile in a convenient place
  • Place all used towels/ bathmats etc. in one of the baths
  • Load the dishwasher and start the programme before leaving the property 
  • Empty all cupboards, the fridge and freezer etc. and dispose of any unused food
  • Guests must inform us if anybody is or was ill on arriving and on vacating.
  • Guests must agree to postpone their trip should they develop symptoms prior to their arrival.
  • Guests must agree to alert the owner should they develop any symptoms during their stay.


Guests must have vacated St Peter’s Studio before our housekeeper arrives to clean the house after check-out or during a pre-arranged mid-stay clean.

Have a happy and safe stay and please enjoy your time at St Peter’s Studio 

Donna Ockenden
